Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hold the spam please! Facebook bans 'forced invites' in apps

Yes, it is about time Facebook stopped the whole forced-spam hoo-ha and here's some info on it from Facebook bans 'forced invites' in apps:
Ever come across one of those Facebook Platform applications that required you to spam a dozen of your friends with invites before you could access the results of your "Vampire Jedi Zombie Personality Quiz"?

They're annoying. And now Facebook has done something about it. Developer applications must "offer some navigation option to leave the friend invite process," according to a change in the social-networking site's
platform policy. If an application's friend-invite page doesn't contain one of Facebook's in-house "Skip This Step," "Cancel," or "Skip" buttons, it has to contain an alternative way to navigate away from the friend invite process.

Developers whose applications ignore the new regulations
reportedly receive warning letters that threaten shutdown if they fail to comply.

Read more about it here:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I’ve just come across your site and wondered if you’d be interested in getting involved with a project I’m currently working on

I’ve got 3 brand new Videos all relating to a new craze that is sweeping through Sweden at the moment.....Mobile Phone racing

The videos are pretty cool and are meant as little teaser videos leading up to the main Video that I’m launching at the end of the month. let me know if you’d be interested in putting the videos on your site

Look forward to hearing from you
